client outcomes

While each client’s journey is unique, one common thread is the desire for financial freedom.

However, just wanting it is too vague a goal. Building wealth and planning for the future is similar to any other audacious endeavor. You have to break down the goal into manageable pieces.

Our clients come to us in all stages of life, and with different end goals. We help them sort out the pieces, and step by step, get them to the finish line. Here are some examples of how we've helped our clients navigate the uncharted waters of their stories.


How do I leave my legacy?

How do I leave my legacy?

Clients at Seven Springs Wealth Group are often interested in protecting assets for their loved ones or favorite charities, and transferring wealth in the most tax-efficient manner.

Tom and Julie have been long time clients of Seven Springs Wealth Group. They accumulated a comfortable nest egg during their careers. They want to be sure it's protected for their heirs, should something happen to them prematurely.

The Seven Springs Wealth Group Approach

An important part of our ongoing work with Tom and Julie was implementing a comprehensive estate plan. Seven Springs Wealth Group assisted in evaluating their potential estate tax liability, titling of assets, beneficiary designations, and more. We consulted on numerous gifting strategies, reviewed the advantages and disadvantaged of lifetime and testamentary gifts, compared monetary gifts to gifting appreciated securities, and discussed several manners in which gifts can be made, such as Charitable Remainder Trusts and Private Foundations. All of this was done with the consultation of their outside estate planning attorney who drafted their final documents.

Benefits of Working with Seven Springs Wealth Group

Tom and Julie worked with their financial planners at Seven Springs Wealth Group and their separate legal counsel to put together a comprehensive plan. They had a team of experts looking at the whole picture, rather than addressing just one item. Tom and Julie take great comfort in knowing that should something happen to either or both of them, there is a support team in place to help with the transition of their finances. Better yet, it is a support team that has already spent countless hours discussing and documenting their final wishes with them.

For privacy reasons, Tom and Julie are hypothetical, but their story is similar to many of the families that work with us and is intended for illustrative purposes only. Seven Springs Wealth Group does not prepare tax returns or draft legal documents.


How do I make my money last?

How do I make my money last?

A number of our client relationships began as clients grappled with the decision to retire, and wanted expert consultation and assistance.

When we first met Carrie she was considering an 'earlier-than-planned' retirement. Due to downsizing at her company, employees were offered early-retirement severance packages. Carrie was working with a financial advisor, but had never worked with a comprehensive planner. She wanted to take the severance package, but she was very concerned that she would have to go back to work when her severance benefits ended.

The Seven Springs Wealth Group Approach

Our work with Carrie involved a 5 step process.

  1. We helped Carrie clearly identify her goals and objectives. Through this process we were able to quantify her retirement needs.

  2. Together we developed a comprehensive picture of her current financial situation.

  3. We presented and analyzed several scenarios for retirement, including early retirement with the severance package or continuing to work for a few more years. We tested these alternate scenarios under multiple economic conditions.

  4. Through the Seven Springs Retirement Income Maximizer™ we determined the optimal time to begin social security and pension benefits in coordination with her income needs.

  5. Together we designed and implemented the appropriate investment strategy and retirement income plan to support her goals.

Benefits of Working with Seven Springs Wealth Group

Carrie has always been a strong saver, in part because she never knew what the future may bring. By showing her that her goals could be accomplished under a variety of scenarios, and that none of these required returning to work, we were able to provide Carrie the confidence she needed to feel secure in her retirement decision.

For privacy reasons, Carrie is hypothetical, but her story is similar to many of the families that work with us and is intended for illustrative purposes only. Seven Springs Wealth Group does not prepare tax returns or draft legal documents.


Will I have enough money?

Will I have enough money?

Many of our clients first started with Seven Springs Wealth Group a little later in life as they became concerned about funding retirement or their children's education.

Bob and Mary started with us in their late forties. At the time, they were maximizing the annual savings to Bob's 401(k) and they were setting aside money in an online savings account for their children's education. They had two girls, ages 16 and 14, who were quickly approaching college. They were very concerned about rising college tuition costs, as well as rising health care costs for retirees. Bob and Mary had differing opinions in prioritizing their goals, and both were unsure they could simultaneously manage saving for retirement and paying for college.

The Seven Springs Wealth Group Approach

Through our discussions with Bob and Mary we were able to improve communication between everyone involved in the decision making process. More importantly, Bob and Mary gained a clear understanding of why they each prioritized certain goals ahead of others.

We put together a comprehensive retirement and education plan for Bob and Mary that outlined a disciplined savings plan using a range of tax-sensitive investment strategies. By identifying potential income gaps well in advance, we were able to agree upon contingency plans for funding their goals. Throughout our relationship we monitored our progress and made 'course corrections' as needed.

Benefits of Working with Seven Springs Wealth Group

By altering their saving patterns and more effectively managing the after-tax returns of their investment choices, Bob and Mary saw immediate results in the accumulation of their nest egg and education funds. Through our financial projections, Bob and Mary continually saw how small changes in their behavior today would have a significant impact in the decades to come. This constant reminder provided enough incentive to remain more disciplined and strategic in their savings. Today, they are more confident that they will be able to transition into retirement - and to do so on their terms.

For privacy reasons, Bob and Mary are hypothetical, but their story is similar to many of the families that work with us and is intended for illustrative purposes only. Seven Springs Wealth Group does not prepare tax returns or draft legal documents.

Am I investing appropriately?

Am I investing appropriately?

Many clients come to Seven Springs Wealth Group seeking professional money management and a roadmap of their financial future.

Daniel and Elizabeth were successful entrepreneurs in engineering and real estate sales, respectively. In their late thirties, and with three young children, they struggled to find time to manage their finances. Both were earning a high income and knew they should start saving more aggressively. They came to Seven Springs Wealth Group seeking professional investment management and tax mitigation strategies.

The Seven Springs Wealth Group Approach

As we do with all our clients, we took Daniel and Elizabeth through our C.O.U.R.S.E. Process. We outlined their goals and developed a holistic picture of their financial situation. For Daniel and Elizabeth, we initially narrowed down the investment universe to several investment options that pertained to their particular circumstances, and then carefully explained the advantages and disadvantages of each. Together, we reached decisions and developed an investment strategy that complemented their variable monthly income.

Additionally, Daniel and Elizabeth were concerned about their burdensome tax bracket. Immediately, we coordinated with their accountant to get a clearer picture of their tax situation. We implemented tax-reduction strategies and deferred compensation plans that helped reduce their current taxes and supplemented their retirement plan. We maintain ongoing communication with their CPA throughout the year, because effective tax management requires planning more frequently than annually.

Benefits of Working with Seven Springs Wealth Group

Seven Springs Wealth Group works with your other trusted advisors so you benefit from coordinated team of experts, each bringing unique perspective. Daniel and Elizabeth also wanted help with their portfolio but were reluctant to just "turn over the keys". At Seven Springs Wealth Group they found a team of consultants that sit on the side same of the table. Additionally, Daniel and Elizabeth can monitor their consolidated portfolio through our daily, web-based reporting and enjoy ongoing communication with the Seven Springs Wealth Group team.

For privacy reasons, Daniel and Elizabeth are hypothetical, but their story is similar to many of the families that work with us and is intended for illustrative purposes only. Seven Springs Wealth Group does not prepare tax returns or draft legal documents.

How Can Our Expertise Help You?

We want to hear more about your story and money goals.